Demand Disruption is a buyer-informed, anti-sex trafficking non-profit organization that reduces the demand for sex trafficking through community engagement programs. Unlike other demand-focused organizations, Demand Disruption’s unique approach champions a restorative approach with a focus on eliminating buyer motivation and reducing access to the exploited.
Faithful Fathering works primarily through the Church, across all denominational lines. The vision is to reinvigorate the Church on the fathering front and engage dads in raising a godly generation.
HCPN is a non-profit organization created to strengthen church planters to multiply churches that reach every man, woman and child in the greater Houston region.
To develop global citizens by investing in the youth through mentorship, life skills training and sports skill development.
Journey2Life Counseling & Community Services, PLLC was founded out of a passionate desire to encourage and help others, to inspire hope, and to empower others to embrace change in their lives.
Soul Winners India is a faith-based organization, involved in evangelism and church planting in India. We are serving the unreached interior rural & tribal people of India through gospel and social activities.
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