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Psalms 8:3-4 (NIV) When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of him, human beings that you care for them?

Wonder is a place of dreams and imagination. Where our curiosity and creative side connect. When something is full of wonder we call it wonderful. Even the happiest place on earth, Disney World is called a wonderland. However, there is a place where wonder derives and has its roots, and that is in God.

The author of the scripture says when he looks at everything that God created, he cannot fathom why God would be so concerned with man. Ever wonder why you are here? What’s the point of your existence? Well, I’m here to tell you that you are the epitome of God’s creation. Gen. 1:27 “So, God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” Since we were made in God’s image, for his unique purpose we need him to instruct us on how to carry out that purpose.

With this is mind, what are some ways you can reprioritize your day to put God first? Is there a time you can allot only to Him in order to glean from His presence? Have you chosen to go to Him first with your concerns, instead of others? Are you letting His word be the deciding factor in your decision making? Questions we all could stop and ask ourselves from time to time.

For us to find and accomplish the wonderful plan God has for us, we need to have a reverence for Him and a willingness to submit to His authority. First, let’s discuss what submission is and is not. Submission is not when you live under someone else’s rule and it’s not a separate submission under the actual mission. It is simply when we yield our will to the will of the Father. For many of us, this can be a difficult task that normally involves many failed tug-of-war attempts for us to realize that God’s plan was the best all along. His plan for you is absolutely wonderful! In fact, you will not find another, including your own that will compare to the fulfillment you’ll receive by completing God’s plan for your life.

God is amazing! When we spend time with Him, we find out just how wonderful He is. Psalm 139:6 says “This is too much, too wonderful - I can’t take it all in!” It’s in God’s presence where we find a freshness, a newness, and a constant unveiling of the greatness of God and His plan for us.

Humility is needed and I believe grace is shown when we let Him teach and direct us how you should walk. God desires for you to win. He has been faithful time and time again. So, let us yield to the God that created everything on earth, but the only thing He saw worth dying for was you! Once you do, you will be in awe and filled with wonder of the good plan God has laid out just for you.

Please pray with me...

Father God, the more I know about you, the more you amaze me. The scope of who you are is incomparable. Yet you seem to have positioned me in your heart as a top priority. Give me the desire to know you in a more intimate way. Show me what it means to reverence you and submit to your authority. Of all the things that I may wonder about, may I never wonder about your love for me.

In Jesus name, Amen